FI Academy

A platform to support learning for food entrepreneurs and interested members of the general public, by organizing seminars and workshops both in person and online with the objective of developing professional capacities and building up a workforce of personnel with modern skills and knowledge of important topics through “Food Talks” seminar, and technological advances and current issues in the food industry business that are explained in depth in “Frontier in Food” seminar. Special topic seminars and workshops are designed to solve problems faced by food entrepreneurs so they can gain knowledge as a strong foundation to further develop food innovations. This will help make Thailand’s food enterprises more competitive.


Gallery FI Academy

Food Innovation City Has developed a special platform

Special Platforms

Food Innopolis integrates cooperation in food innovation with agencies in the university, government and private sectors, including partner agencies both in and abroad and provide a national food innovation infrastructure in every region. Born as a platform Providing services that are ready to respond to the needs of entrepreneurs at all levels, including